We stand for high-quality storytelling, big emotions, and compelling entertainment: We want to inspire and captivate audiences with our projects!
With our expertise in story development and production, script reading and editing, translations, and graphic design, we accompany creative filmmakers – for part of the way or right to the end. We love stories – but we hold a particularly dear spot in our hearts for the creative people behind the projects.

Development Toolbox
We offer a holistic approach for every stage of development: market conditions, target audiences, emotional impact, coherence and execution, and the creative vision are key factors for us, which we consider in our development services at all times.

Project Development
Support for your project during the development phase as readers and editors

Translations German/English
Translations of screenplays, pitch bibles and other pitch material

In multi-day Writers' Retreats, we support small groups of individual screenwriters in further developing their own projects.
For writing teams, we organize tailor-made (off-site) Writers' Rooms.